Metal Gear Phantom Pain Silently Take Down Helicopter UPDATED

Metal Gear Phantom Pain Silently Take Down Helicopter


1. Nuts
1.1. How to Unlock Weapon Customization
1.2. How to Get Wormhole Fulton
ane.3. How to Become Hand of Jehuty Teleport Weapon
1.4. How to Get Raiden Adapt

2. Walkthrough
2.1. S-Rank Walkthrough
2.two. Target Do Side Ops (Achieved)

iii. Collectibles
3.ane. All Wild Beast Species (Conservation)
3.ii. All Blueprints and Key Items (Collector)
3.3. All Invoices (Fast Travel Points) (Collector)
3.four. All Memento Photos (Reminiscence)

iv. Miscellaneous
4.i. Weep Havoc – Made D-Canis familiaris available for deployment
4.2. Speechless – Made Quiet available for deployment
4.iii. Deterrence – Developed a nuclear weapon
iv.4. Disarmament – Tending of a nuclear weapon e


How to Unlock Weapon Customization
Weapon Customization is a somewhat subconscious feature in Metal Gear Solid Five: The Phantom Hurting. This guide shows you how to unlock it.

Step i: Shell Side Op #107 "Excerpt the Legendary Gunsmith". This side op becomes available after story mission 13. It usually doesn't prove upwards right away because in that location tin can only be a limited amount of side ops per surface area at the aforementioned time. So go along doing other side ops (especially in the Angola-Zaire Edge Region) until it shows up.

Step 2: Trounce Side Op #108 "Extract the Legendary Gunsmith Again". This should exist triggered automatically after side op 107 (return to ACC and it should exist bachelor). If it's not available you must continue doing other side ops. For some people it showed upward after side ops 06 and 48 were complete.

Pace 3: Beat Side Op #109 "Extract the Legendary Gunsmith Yet Again". This is the last part of this piddling quest line. Same equally before, consummate side op #108 and it will become available.

You lot tin now customize weapons in the ACC from your iDroid. Go to the tab "Mother Base" – "Customize" – "Weapons" and choose what type of weapon y'all want to create. To get new parts you must develop more weapons. The parts of each developed weapon volition exist available for customization.

How to Get Wormhole Fulton
The Wormhole Fulton Extraction Device is a very useful upgrade in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Hurting. Other than the normal fulton this one cannot exist shot downwardly, making it perfect for extracting enemies and their vehicles mid-gainsay. Y'all can even apply it in buildings or when at that place's something overhead, it always has a 100% extraction chance.
In society to get it you must beat side op #50 "Capture the Legenday Jackal". This side op only becomes bachelor later completing story mission 31. If it doesn't show up later mission 31 correct away information technology's because simply a express corporeality of side ops can be active per area at the same time. Just proceed doing other side ops and it will show up eventually.

You must then develop the Wormhole Device via female parent base in your iDroid. Development requires 850,000 GMP and your R&D team + Support Unit must be level xl.
Everything that you can extract with the normal fulton can also be extracted with the wormhole.

How to Become Mitt of Jehuty Teleport Weapon
The Hand of Jehuty is a teleport upgrade for your Prosthetic Arm in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. When you shoot someone with it they will be teleported to your location and y'all tin can use CQC to accept them out silently. Fifty-fifty though the range is quite limited, information technology'due south a really fun tool to use and volition keep your enemies wondering what only happened. Information technology'due south perfect for taking out heavily armored enemies with a single hit (peculiarly in multiplayer). You lot tin can also upgrade it to increase range and battery life.
In order to get information technology you lot must vanquish side op #49 "Capture the Legenday Ibis". This side op only becomes available later on completing story mission 31. If it doesn't testify up later mission 31 right away it's because merely a limited amount of side ops can be active per area at the same time. Simply keep doing other side ops and it will show up eventually.

Yous must then develop the Hand of Jehuty via mother base in your iDroid. Development requires 340,000 GMP, 120 Precious Metal and your R&D squad must exist level 28.

How to Get Raiden Adjust
To get the clandestine Raiden Suit in Metallic Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain you must complete all story missions with an S-rank (excluding duplicate missions with Extreme, Subsistence, Total Stealth mods). Simply the 38 unique missions and the prologue must be completed with S-rank and the 12 duplicates tin can be ignored. This will and then requite yous the key item "K Master Certificate (Elite)" which lets you develop the Raiden Accommodate via your iDroid in Mother Base of operations.
Evolution costs 1,190,000 GMP, lxx Digitalis Purpurea, 20 Digitalis Lutea and your R&D Team must be level 53 or above.

This is but a costume / skin, you don't actually play as Raiden himself. The main strength of this outfit is the increased sprinting speed and jump altitude (and of class it looks totally badass). It lets you run at the speed of your horse. When y'all run into enemies it will knock them downwards. Usage costs 8400 GMP per deployment. It also comes with some disadvantages: you cannot use your prosthetic arm, it cannot be used during FOB missions and you are express to A-rank when playing main missions. For open earth exploration and side ops it's the perfect conform though.


Gold Trophy Aristocracy Gold Trophy
Completed all missions with an S rank.

In that location are two golden rules for getting Southward-ranks:
ane. Don't try it on your beginning playthrough (a lot of strategies but piece of work when replaying missions and you will unlock better gear over the grade of the game).
two. Skip all cutscenes to save fourth dimension (aye, cutscenes add to your fourth dimension and volition profoundly reduce your points!)

South-Rank Strategies, basic tips and things you should know:
– Getting 130,000 points in a mission unlocks the S-rank (aforementioned score requirement for all missions)
– Only master missions have a ranking system, side ops don't. Master missions 02, 22, 43 are an exception, they don't have any ranks. In that location are l principal missions in full.
– Completing the missions equally apace equally possible without existence seen is usually proficient enough. Skip the bonus objectives, they take too long and will complicate things.
– Equipping the Invisibility Camo, Parasite Suit, Raiden Suit, Cyborg Ninja Suit, Chicken-Hat, Infinity Bandana, using D-Walkers Fulton Ballista or calling in air strikes / helicopter support volition void the S-rank. With these items you are limited to A-rank at all-time. So don't use them!
– On your first playthrough of the missions, ever try to have out the enemy radar stations. This gives you a huge tactical advantage because y'all tin telephone call the extraction helicopter straight to the enemy base (or first the mission there).
– S-Ranks earn you a lot more than money and heroism than lower ranks

With these tips in mind you should take very little trouble following these video guides and obtaining all Southward-ranks. Be warned, however, that the game uses a variable difficulty organisation. If y'all use a lot of headshots, enemies will get helmets. If you ever infiltrate at night, enemies will get night vision goggles. If you always use sleeping grenades, enemies will wearable gas masks etc.
In this walkthrough series I stick to the basics to make information technology as easy to replicate as possible. These guides are fairly spoiler complimentary as I skip the cutscenes to salvage time.

For a complete guide with text descriptions and a video for each mission click here:

Metallic Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Southward-Rank Walkthrough


Silver Trophy Accomplished Silver Trophy
Complete all SIDE OPS.
The Target Practice Side Ops are the last 7 Side Ops in Metallic Gear Solid Five: The Phantom Pain and they are amidst the hardest ones. In each of them you have to shoot 35 Practice Targets in v minutes. Every side op takes place on another platform of mother base. The game doesn't tell you where the targets are and some are a bit hidden. Using the Nighttime Vision Goggles, however, will make it easier to spot the targets (they volition exist highlighted in yellow).
The trickiest ane by far is the R&D platform (side op 152). Some of the targets there are easy to miss and the platform is very complex. Most others are quite like shooting fish in a barrel as you lot can see all targets from the starting betoken.
You take to complete every side op for the "Achieved" trophy / achievement. At that place are 157 side ops total. The other side ops are fairly easy and are all unlocked automatically as y'all progress through the game.


Side Op 151 – Target Practice (Command Platform) – 0:05
Side Op 152 – Target Do (R&D Platform) – i:nineteen
Side Op 153 – Target Exercise (Support Unit of measurement Platform) – 3:26
Side Op 154 – Target Practise (Base of operations Development Platform) – 4:17
Side Op 155 – Target Practice (Intel Team Platform) – five:16
Side Op 156 – Target Practise (Medical Platform) – half dozen:26
Side Op 157 – Target Exercise (Combat Unit Platform) – 7:19


Silver Trophy Conservation Silver Trophy
Extracted all wild animal species.
There are 47 Wild Animals in Metallic Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Finding all of them unlocks the "Conservation" trophy / accomplishment.
Before doing this you must fully upgrade the Capture Cage to form iv! There are three ways to extract wildlife. The one you'll use the most is the capture muzzle. It randomly catches animals that alive effectually the area where y'all placed the cage. The second tactic you'll use quite a chip is Fulton extracting them (for bigger animals). And the third option is to stun and option up smaller animals that cannot be fulton extracted.

The aureate rule for capture cages: Place all viii of them in a circle next to each other and immediately exit the expanse via helicopter. When you brainstorm at the landing zone, ever call back the helicopter right away and so you don't accept to look later. Practise Not go back to the ACC via the intermission carte du jour! You lot must extract via the helicopter so that the cages volition capture animals.
Most animals take very specific and small habitats. Knowing those locations is the cardinal to capturing them. This does, however, not always guarantee you capture the brute you lot want. Rarer animals may take a few tries to capture. If y'all don't get the animal you're looking for, only render to the ACC and come back for some other try.

None of the animals are missable. Yous can notwithstanding get everything after the story and side ops are complete. Y'all tin can ever go on track of your progress in the iDroid nether "Mother Base of operations" – "Database" – "Encyclopedia" – "Wild fauna".


#one – Gerbil – 0:05
#2 – Long-eared Hedgehog – 0:35
#iii – 4-toed Hedgehog – 1:05
#4 – Afghan Pika – i:44
#five – Common Raven – 2:17
#6 – Trumpeter Hornbill – 2:54
#7 – Blackness Stork – three:25
#viii – Oriental Stork – 3:56
#9 – Jehuty – iv:55
#10 – Griffon Vulture – vi:02
#xi – Lappet-faced Vulture – half-dozen:43
#12 – Martial Eagle – seven:33
#xiii – Karakul Sheep – 8:08
#14 – Cashmere Goat – 9:00
#fifteen – Nubian – nine:44
#16 – Boer Caprine animal – 10:35
#17 – Wild Ass – xi:14
#eighteen – Grant'southward Zebra – 11:54
#xix – Okapi – 12:35
#20 – Gray Wolf – xiii:19
#21 – African Wild Domestic dog – 14:08
#22 – Side-striped Jackal – 14:50
#23 – Anubis – 15:26
#24 – Brown Bear – 16:22
#25 – Himalayan Brown Carry – 17:nineteen
#26 – Deathstalker – 18:47
#27 – Emperor Scorpion – 19:21
#28 – Oriental Ratsnake – 19:55
#29 – Black Mamba – 20:29
#30 – Tsuchinoko – 21:00
#31 – Rainbow Agama – 21:37
#32 – Namaqua Chameleon – 22:10
#33 – Leopard Gecko – 22:40
#34 – African Fat-tailed Gecko – 23:14
#35 – African Bullfrog – 23:49
#36 – Russian Tortoise – 24:25
#37 – Leopard Tortoise – 25:01
#38 – Bechstein's Bat – 26:15
#39 – Rock Hyrax – 26:50
#40 – Tree Pangolin – 27:24
#41 – Sand Cat – 27:55
#42 – Caracal – 28:28
#43 – African Civet – 29:01
#44 – Marsh Mongoose – 29:30
#45 – Ruddy Pull a fast one on – 30:01
#46 – Blanford'due south Fox – 30:29
#47 – Honey Badger – 31:02

Silver Trophy Collector Silver Trophy
Obtained all blueprints and central items.


At that place are 27 Blueprints in Metallic Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Hurting. Finding all of them is required for the "Collector" trophy / achievement. In addition to the 27 Blueprints yous must likewise obtain all 20 Fundamental Items to unlock the trophy.

12 of the Blueprints are actual collectibles in the open up world. You have to make a lot of progress in the main story to pick all of them upwardly. The earliest you can do this is after story mission 31.
vi are rewards for completing the pattern side ops (you have to pick them upward as part of the side ops).
9 come from completing all key dispatch missions in the game. The central dispatch missions crave you to send your gainsay unit on missions via the iDroid. The college level ones are only available after story mission 31! There are likewise other fundamental dispatch missions in betwixt that do not reward yous with a design (they only unlock emblem parts and such).

To see the blueprints you accept found, open your iDroid and get to "Female parent Base" – "Database" – "Documentation" – "Blueprints". Each blueprint has its ain name, so they are very piece of cake to go along track of.


#1 – [Un-ARC] – 0:05
#two – [Bambetov SV] – 0:36
#3 – [Lead Shield] – 1:17
#4 – [UN-AAM] – ane:42
#5 – [Isado RGL-220]- 2:sixteen
#6 – [G44] – two:42
#7 – [Stun Grenade] – 3:15
#eight – [Kabarga-83] – three:42
#nine – [URAGAN-5] – 4:xiii
#ten – [MACHT-37] – 4:36
#11 – [Brennan LRS-46] – 5:00
#12 – [Flamethrower] – v:39
#13 – [Riot SMG] – vi:03
#fourteen – [Stun Arm] – half-dozen:38
#xv – [IR-Sensor] – 7:12
#16 – [Antitheft Device] – 7:49
#17 – [Gun-Cam Defender] – 8:sixteen
#xviii – [UA-Drone] – 8:47
#xix – [Geist P3] – 9:16
#20 – [WU S333] – 9:31
#21 – [ZE'EV] – nine:51
#22 – [FB-MR R-Launcher] – 10:10
#23 – [AM MRS-71] – ten:28
#24 – [LPG-61] – ten:45
#25 – [Hail MGR-4] – xi:00
#26 – [Zorn-KP] – eleven:nineteen
#27 – [Bullhorn SG] – 11:35


In that location are 20 Key Items in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Hurting. They are needed for the "Collector" trophy / achievement and can be used to craft new equipment (similar to blueprints).

– 12 of them will come automatically over the class of the story by just beating all missions and important (yellowish) side ops
– 2 for getting Due south-ranks in all missions. In that location are 12 hard difficulty missions that unlock i key particular (farthermost, subsistence, total stealth missions) and 38 normal missions + prologue that unlock another.
– 2 for fulton extracting 1000 enemies
– 2 for finding all invoices / fast travel points (at that place are 21 of them, encounter link below)
– 1 for mark 500 enemies
– 1 for finding the kickoff aid transmission collectible

In addition to the key items yous must as well obtain the 27 blueprints to unlock the Collector trophy / achievement. None of them are missable. Y'all can cheque your progress anytime in the iDroid by opening the tabs "Female parent Base" – "Database" – "Documentation".


#1 – Children'southward Reward – Beat out Mission eighteen – 0:05
#2 – Conch Vanquish – Shell Side Op 113 (Subsequently Mission 26) – 0:38
#3 – Main Certificate Marking – Marking 500 Enemies – 1:18
#4 – Skulls Machete – Trounce Mission 29 – one:48
#v – Strangelove's Memento – Crush Side Op 143 – 2:xvi
#6 – Man on Burn Corpse – Beat out Side Op 144 – 3:04
#7 – Tranquility'southward Examination Report – Sentry Quiet's Interrogation Cutscene or trounce Mission 40 – 3:49
#8 – Handkerchief – Shell Mission forty – four:04
#9 – Emmerich's Research Notes – Watch Emmerich'southward Adjournment Cutscene – 4:30
#x – Star of Bethlehem – Beat Mission 46 – 5:16
#eleven – Master Certificate Standard – Beat all Story Missions (except difficult difficulty ones) – 5:37
#12 – Thou Main Document Standard – Become S-Rank in all Story Missions (except hard difficulty ones) – 5:46
#13 – The Codename: Big Boss – Vanquish Mission 46 – v:54
#14 – G Master Certificate Elite – Get S-Rank in all 12 Hard Difficulty missions – 6:06
#15 – Master Certificate Elite – Beat all 12 Hard Difficulty Missions – six:39
#16 – Chief Certificate Fulton – Fulton extract 500 enemies – vi:49
#17 – Chiliad Master Certificate Fulton – Fulton extract 1,000 enemies – half dozen:49
#18 – Master Certificate Box – Detect all invoices on one map – 7:20
#19 – Thousand Master Certificate Box – Discover all invoices on both maps – vii:44
#twenty – Starting time Help Transmission – Tin be picked upward in Masa Village, Africa – eight:xi


At that place are 12 Invoices (Fast Travel Points) in Transitional islamic state of afghanistan and nine in Africa. When picking up an invoice you lot volition unlock a fast travel signal for its location. Almost of the named places take i. The fast travel points wait similar orangish loading zones. When you hide in a box and stay on the loading zone a truck will come up and pick you up, and so you can fast travel to any other place where you've previously picked up an invoice.
They are also required to unlock two key items for the "Collector" trophy / achievement. You must find all invoices in Afghanistan and Africa. Finding all invoices in one area unlocks the "Master Certificate (Box)" cardinal detail. Finding all invoices in both areas unlocks the "G Main Document (Box)" cardinal item.
Fastest way to become them is to ride from one identify to the next with D-Horse. When you are at ane fast travel point y'all tin see the other ones y'all have unlocked to go on rails of them.

– Transitional islamic state of afghanistan –

– Africa –

Bronze Trophy Reminiscence Bronze Trophy
Obtained all memento photos.
There are eleven Memento Photos. The kickoff 10 are rewards for completing side ops 51-60 "Extract the Wandering Mother Base Soldiers". Side op 60 is only available after story mission 38, so that's the earliest you lot can obtain this trophy / achievement. A very easy play a trick on to capture the soldiers is to approach them while crouching under a box. They will then recognize you and surrender immediately.
After the first x photos have been obtained you must head to the Medical Platform of mother base. Become visit Paz on the 2nd flooring. Give her all 10 photos. After handing her a photo she will get to sleep for a while. Merely employ phantom cigars until she wakes up. After a few photos you must return to the ACC to make her wake up. So when the phantom cigars no longer do the trick, but go back to the ACC and return to Paz right away.

When all ten photos have been given to Paz the 11th photo spawns outside her room on the wall. Pick information technology up and the trophy / achievement will unlock.


Bronze Trophy Cry Havoc Bronze Trophy
Made D-Dog available for deployment.

Stride one: Fulton extract the dog puppy at the outset of mission 4 (he's at the landing zone where you leave the helicopter). If you've missed this you can replay the mission. He tin can as well be found at landing zones of mission 3 and 5.

Footstep 2: Render to mother base (either consummate the mission or call up the helicopter to abort). You will now see a cutscene with the dog when y'all arrive at base.

Step 3: Beat main missions vii, eight, nine, 10 and two other missions of your choice. At present return to mother base of operations and the puppy will be grown upwards, you'll see a cutscene when you lot go far. D-Canis familiaris is now available as a buddy. If he isn't grown up yet, keep playing a few more missions and come dorsum later.

Bronze Trophy Speechless Bronze Trophy
Made Placidity available for deployment.

Step one: At the cease of mission xi do not kill Quiet (in the cutscene where y'all concur the gun to her head)! If y'all have killed her you lot can replay the mission.

Step 2: Finish main mission 14 and you'll unlock Side Op 111: Visit Placidity. Go visit her on the medical platform of mother base. When you arrive at the helipad become down the stairs in front of y'all to detect her cell.

Step 3: Phone call dorsum the helicopter to leave the area and you lot'll see a cutscene with Placidity. She's now available as a buddy.

Bronze Trophy Deterrence Bronze Trophy
Developed a nuclear weapon.
Bronze Trophy Disarmament Bronze Trophy
Disposed of a nuclear weapon.
To develop a nuke y'all must complete story mission 31 and build your ain Play a joke on. You tin can and then develop and dispose of nuclear weapons in the "Resources" tab of your iDroid. The FOB construction becomes bachelor after mission 22 and requires an online connection! Yous must likewise exist logged into the servers to develop and dispose of a nuclear weapon, this feature is not available offline.
Making a nuke costs 750,000 GMP + 75,000 processed fuel + l,000 processed Minor Metal. Y'all will also lose 50,000 hero points and quite probably plough into Demon Snake (which can exist reversed by building upward your hero rank again). The development of the nuke takes anywhere from 18-36 hours, depending on the level of your base evolution platform. You have to spend this time in-game (it stops development when you leave the game). You tin can just keep sitting in the ACC until the Nuke is set if you lot wish.
When the nuke is finished you unlock the "Detterence" trophy / achievement.

Now you tin immediately dispose of it for the "Disarmament" trophy / achievement. This costs 100,000 GMP and you will lose the nuke.


Metal Gear Phantom Pain Silently Take Down Helicopter UPDATED

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